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Based in New York City, BLK BIRDS is a brand that focuses on people of color and independent artists. This was born to collaborate with bigger brands and smaller artists to create a platform that expands their personal goals while joining a connective community.

" Fortunately we've linked with partnership brands that can back us and back our goal to support these artists. " 

Every two months a new artist is featured on the BLK BIRDS website, in the bi-monthly magazine, and interviewed via podcast. Given this opportunity this allows the artist to converse and elaborate on their craft. This also allows them to promote their businesses for growth. Of course with every collaborated fashion item sold, artists will get a certain percentage of the income.


" I can only imagine the excuses for why there aren’t more black people in power in fashion, despite our immense contribution to the industry. There are many reasons for this — financial barriers, social obstacles, colorism, bias, and plain old racism. I heard about them all in my interviews. The stories ranged from covers lost because there was no hair and makeup team trained to do a black model’s hair; to the coded, terrible things people say to black editors. With BLK BIRDS a seed can be planted to uncover the value and greatness to build an empire within the industry. "


" We want to see ourselves...Not how they see us " 

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